My Bucket List…

I have decided that instead of having a running, mental bucket list, it would be better to actually write it down, check off what has been done and update it from time to time.  I will also ask my friends, family and visitors to help me think of new things to do that will continue to enrich my life.

Why have a bucket list at all?  Many that know me, know that I have had two brain tumors, my hips replaced and am HIV-positive.  I have an “understanding” with God that I cannot leave this planet until my bucket list is empty (to make up for the madness that has since entered my life).  I have read many entries of the books 1000 Things to See/Do Before You Die, <flash>I DON’T recommend them.</flash> The problem is that although they may be a good starting point, they are not YOUR lists and so may have little in common with you, as was the case with me.  If you truly need to see them, stop by the library, buying these books is not worth the money, in my opinion.  P.S.  You can also Google “bucket list” and get some other ideas, like I did.  So to that end, I present my bucket list, now the date that I think of ideas.  If the item is barred, it has been completed and will also have the date it was fulfilled!The list is in no particular order and will not certainly be fulfilled in order…

  • watch the sunrise with David on Bronte Beach, Sydney (11/09/12)
  • swim with whale sharks at the Georgia Aquarium, this activity requires that I get my PADI license.  Although I could snorkel around the top, what would be the point?  If you’re gonna swim with the fishes, you need to swim with the fishes!  Plus this aquarium offers to very unique PADI certifications that can only be gotten here.
  • revisit Yellowstone National Park in a few years as my last visit was sort of a bust animal and feature-wise.
  • move to Vancouver, British Columbia
  • solo jump out of an airplane and go jumping with my new beau, David!
  • visit Amsterdam with my special guy and possibly get married (the marriage bit could also be done in Canada, anywhere but the U.S.)
  • go on a hiking tour of Bryce Canyon (or horseback) and Arches NP
  • take a horseback-riding tour in Montana, possibly returning to the Bar W Guest Ranch, maybe another one.
  • take the cross-continent train from Vancouver to Montréal or Toronto, maybe even as far as Halifax, Canada
  • take the Empire Builder and California Zephyr trains here in the U.S. in First Class
  • speaking of trains, take the American Orient Express, this could be combined with my revisiting Yellowstone as the train makes a stop there
  • when the political situation settles down a bit, I would like to go to Luxor, Egypt
  • I really would like to explore Scandinavia intensely
  • see that my cats (my boyz) live a wonderfully long and well kept lives
  • go see the Golden Spike in Utah
  • how could’ve I have missed a trip down under?  I am chomping at the bit to see Australia and New Zealand, I think separate trips would do better justice to this part of the world
  • take David to Iceland for no apparent reason!
  • vacation on the big island of Hawai’i at the gay B&B near the lava flows!
  • actually watch the movie, The Bucket List (strangely I haven’t done that yet)
  • go to the Celtic Colours Festival in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, I’m still not used to how the Canadians spell color, too British!
  • actually watch the movie The Bucket List (11/11/12)

… this ought to be enough to get me started, but by no means is complete.  I will keep adding to my list continuously as I see things that catch my eye and ear.  As I mentioned, I invite the reader to comment and maybe make a suggestion ( I will see if it fits in my life view ).  To you all, I wish a long and very fulfilled life!